<aside> 💡 Assigning assets to drivers will help organize your operation and increase your speed.


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Let’s assign!


  1. Click Dispatch Preferences in the dropdown menu under the Assets section on the left menu.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8d5f9426-2a9b-4764-94fe-e1eec4df14c1/Assets.svg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8d5f9426-2a9b-4764-94fe-e1eec4df14c1/Assets.svg" width="40px" /> ← Asset icon



  1. Click Add Preference on the top right of the panel.


  2. Select the Dispatcher, then Type the Driver and Truck you want to associate with each other.


  3. Click Save


    Congrats! Now you’ve assigned your first asset!

    You’ve also finished the setup portion of Al’s help center! See the links below to move onto the Dispatch section.

    Take me back

    <aside> 👉 Move on to Dispatch: Creating a Load


    <aside> 👉 Or read in Dispatch: Dispatching a Load
