What does it do?

Accurate tracking of business mileage is vital for managed transportation. It ensures precise cost analysis, aids in regulatory compliance, optimizes route planning for fuel efficiency, and facilitates strategic decision-making. In essence, it's a cornerstone for efficient and cost-effective transportation management.

Alvys allows tenants to create mileage logs for each load for customers and for each trip for freight carriers, which are used for financial calculations when generating invoices and statements.

Alvys currently supports the following sources of mileage registration at the load level:

The following sources can be applied to each mileage type (customer and dispatch):

Customer mileage sources

1. Automatic

HereMaps profile default settings are ranked from:

Image 1: Tenant Management profile default settings for Customer mileage


Image 2: Tenant settings source for Customer mileages in the Load details


Image 3: Customer profile default settings for Customer mileage


Image 4: Customer settings source for Customer mileages in the Load details


2. Manual

Image 4: Manual source for Customer mileages in the Load details


Image 5: Manual/Customer Contract/Customer Tender source for Customer mileages in the Load details - notification about route changes