Released January 24, 2024
Linehaul rates can change based on several things like distance, how heavy or what kind of items are being shipped, and even the current market demand. Also, these costs can go up or down due to changes in fuel prices, new rules by governments, or overall changes in the economy.
Alvys now has a feature to make calculating your Linehaul rates easier! You can now choose from different Linehaul rate types when building a load. Here's what's new:
With these new options, you can pick the best way to calculate your Linehaul rates.
Only users with “Edit Customer Rate” permissions enabled can apply and edit linehaul rates and types under the Money Box.
Image 1: User profile - Edit Customer Rate permissions.
Image 2: Money Box for the user with enabled Edit Customer Rate permissions
Image 3: Money Box for the user with disabled Edit Customer Rate permissions