To access the invoicing process, select the Loads option from the left side of the Alvys menu, then select the Billing tab. You will see the five statuses for an invoice. See below for an explanation of what each status means.

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Incomplete - Loads that have been delivered or are on TONU but HAVE NOT been advanced to one of the subsequent stages. This list also includes:

If you want to see why a load hasn’t been moved to “Released,” you can review the “Reason Incomplete” column to remedy the issue:

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Released - All documents have been attached, and all required information for the billing to take place is correct. Then an invoice can be generated for that specific load.

From here you can review the load information and once done you can check the box on the left side of the screen.

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Once you check the box, the Create Invoice slide tray will open and you can choose to CREATE the invoice, or CREATE & SEND to create the invoice and email it out to the customer.

The CREATE option will generate the invoice PDF and move the load to the “Queued” stage.

The CREATE & SEND option will generate the invoice and email it to the customer. This will move the load to the Invoiced stage.

Queued - This is a list of loads where the invoice has been generated but not yet sent to the customer.

From here you can select any invoice or group of invoices, the “Send Invoice” slide tray will pop out and you can choose to send the invoice(s) from there.

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This will send a single email per load.

Invoiced - Loads in which the invoice has been sent to the customer or factoring company. Under the status filter, you will see if it was “Invoiced” OR “Financed.”